Forms List
- Appeal
- Attorney
- Address and Name Update Form - PHV Attorneys (Word)
- Address Update Form - for Attorneys without Filing Privileges (NextGen Attys Must Update via PACER) (Word)
- Address Update Form - PHV Attorneys (Word)
- Application Admission to Practice (PDF)
- Application for Limited Admission to Practice (PDF)
- Application to Proceed Without Pay AO 240
- Attorney ECF Password Reset Form (PDF)
- Attorney ECF Password Reset Form (Word)
- Attorney ECF Password Reset Form (WordPerfect)
- Certificate of Good Standing AO 136
- Certificate of Good Standing Court of Appeals AO 136A
- Certification of Law School Dean (PDF)
- Consent Motion for Substitution of Attorney AO 154
- Courtroom Experience Certification Local Rule 83 (Word)
- Courtroom Experience Certification Rule 83 (WordPerfect template)
- Notice of Attorney Appearance AO 458
- Pro Bono Application
- Civil
- 2241 Petition Federal-State Prisoner (Word)
- 2241 Petition Federal-State Prisoner (WordPerfect)
- 2241 Petition Federal-State Prisoner Instructions (PDF)
- Affidavit of Service (Word)
- Affidavit of Service (WordPerfect)
- Application to Proceed Without Pay AO 240
- Austin Consent and Reference to Magistrate Judge
- Bivens Complaint Form (Word)
- Bivens Complaint Form (WordPerfect)
- Certification of Judgment Another District AO 451
- Death Penalty Certification (Word)
- Death Penalty Certification (WordPerfect)
- Harwell Notice Consent Magistrate AO 85
- JS44 Civil Cover Sheet
- Lydon Civil Scheduling Order
- Lydon Reference to Magistrate Form
- Lydon Standing Order Regarding Default and Default Judgment
- Lydon Standing Order Regarding Mediation Procedures
- Notice Consent Magistrate AO 85
- Notice Consent Magistrate Motion AO 85A
- Notice of Availability AO 85 Social Security (Word)
- Notice of Availability AO 85 Social Security (WordPerfect)
- Petition Relief Habeas Corpus AO 241
- Request Withhold Summons (Word)
- Request Withhold Summons (WordPerfect)
- Rule 26F Report (PDF)
- Rule 26F Report (Word)
- Rule 26F Report (WordPerfect)
- Subpoena Civil AO 88
- Subpoena Civil AO 88A
- Subpoena Civil AO 88B
- Summons in a Civil Action AO 440
- Third Party Summons Civil AO 441
- Waiver Summons AO 399
- Waiver Summons Request AO 398
- CJA 19 Notice to Court Appointed Counsel
- CJA 20 Instructions
- CJA 21 Instructions work after 5-27-10
- CJA 21 Instructions work prior to 5-27-10
- CJA 24 Form (Word)
- CJA 24 Form (WordPerfect)
- CJA 24 Instructions
- CJA Forms
- CJA Worksheet In-Court (Word)
- CJA Worksheet In-Court (WordPerfect)
- CJA Worksheet In-Court Death Penalty (Word)
- CJA Worksheet In-Court Death Penalty (WordPerfect)
- CJA Worksheet Other Expenses (Word)
- CJA Worksheet Other Expenses (WordPerfect)
- CJA Worksheet Out Of Court (Word)
- CJA Worksheet Out of Court (WordPerfect)
- CJA Worksheet Out Of Court For Death Penalty (Word)
- CJA Worksheet Out Of Court For Death Penalty (WordPerfect)
- Confidentiality
- Contractor
- Criminal
- AO 250 Pro Se Motion for Sentence Reduction Under 18 U
- Austin Criminal Standing Order-6
- Austin Criminal Standing Order
- Lydon Criminal Standing Order
- Lydon Standing Order Rule 11(c)(2)
- Lydon [Sample] Exhibit Objections Spreadsheet
- Lydon [Sample] Ex Parte Subpoena Request
- Lydon [Sample] Joint Request to Charge
- Petition to Waive Prosecution by Indictment Preliminary Questions-(fillable)
- Petition to Waive Prosecution by Indictment Preliminary Questions
- Richard Gergel re Criminal Expert Disclosures filed
- Subpoena Criminal AO 89
- Waiver Rule 32 AO 466
- Waiver Rule 5 AO 466A
- ECF Registration Forms
- Habeas Corpus
- Jury
- Austin Example Joint Requests to Charge (Word)
- Austin General Civil Jury Instructions
- Austin Instructions for Proposed Civil Jury Charges
- Austin Joint Strikes for Cause
- Austin Standing Order for Civil Jury Charges
- Cain General Civil - Jury Instructions
- Cain Standing Order - Instructions for Proposed Jury Charges
- Coggins Request to Strike Jurors
- Currie General Civil Jury Instructions
- Currie Instructions for Proposed Civil Jury Charges
- Currie Jury Orientation Transcript
- Dawson Request to Strike Jurors
- General Notice Random Jury Selection
- Gossett Joint Strikes for Cause
- Grand Jury Handbook
- Harwell Boilerplate Jury Instructions
- Harwell General Civil Jury Instructions
- Harwell Instructions Proposed Jury Charges
- Harwell Joint Strikes for Cause Form
- Harwell Joint Strikes for Cause Form (WordPerfect)
- Harwell Juror Questionnaire List Request Form
- Harwell Request to Strike Jurors (Word)
- Harwell Request to Strike Jurors (WordPerfect)
- Harwell Standard Juror Questionnaire Sample
- Hendricks Standing Order for Civil Jury Charges
- Hendricks Joint Strikes for Cause
- Joe Anderson Consent to Trial by Magistrate Judge AO 85
- Joe Anderson Juror Video Orientation Script
- Joe Anderson Preferences and Requirements for Proposed Jury Instructions and Boilerplate Instructions
- Joe Anderson Request to Strike Jurors for Cause
- Juror Questionnaire List Request Form
- Jury Selection Plan
- Lewis Joint Status Report Regarding Jury Selection and Trial
- Lewis Requests for Strikes for Cause
- Lewis Standing Order for Jury Charges
- Lydon Boilerplate Civil Jury Instructions
- Lydon Request to Strike Jurors Form (Civil)
- Lydon [Sample] Civil Exhibit Objections Spreadsheet
- Lydon [Sample] Civil Trial Notice
- Norton Request to Strike Jurors for Cause (Word)
- Norton Request to Strike Jurors for Cause (WordPerfect)
- Request to Strike Jurors for Cause (Word)
- Request to Strike Jurors for Cause (WordPerfect)
- Richard Gergel Consent to Trial by Magistrate Judge AO 85
- Richard Gergel Jury Orientation Transcript
- Richard Gergel Preliminary and Boilerplate Jury Instructions
- Richard Gergel Request to Strike Jurors (Word)
- Richard Gergel Request to Strike Jurors (WordPerfect)
- Richard Gergel Standing Order re Juror Communciation
- Sample Charges
- Standard Voir Dire Questionnaire Sample
- Standing Order for Civil Jury Charges JDA
- Trial Jury Handbook
- Wooten Request to Strike Jurors (Word)
- Wooten Request to Strike Jurors (WordPerfect)
- Wooten General Civil Jury Instruction
- Wooten Instructions Proposed Jury Charges
- Wooten Request to Strike Jurors (Word)
- Wooten Request to Strike Jurors (WordPerfect)
- Mediation Alternative Dispute Resolution
- ADR Statement and Certification (PDF)
- ADR Statement and Certification (Word)
- ADR Statement and Certification (WordPerfect)
- ADR Tracking Form (PDF)
- ADR Tracking Form (Word)
- Coggins Mediation Order (Word)
- Currie Standing Order Conduct Mediation
- Harwell ADR Statement and Certification (Word)
- Harwell ADR Statement and Certification (WordPerfect)
- Harwell Standing Order Conduct Mediation
- Hendricks Order Conduct Mediation
- Lewis Standing Order Conduct Mediation
- Mediation Initiation Form (PDF)
- Mediation Initiation Form (Word)
- Mediator Application (PDF)
- Mediator Application (Word)
- Norton Standing Order Conduct Mediation
- Notice to All Mediators
- Wooten Standing Order Conduct Mediation
- Non Prisoner Forms
- Pro Se Forms Non Prisoner
- Complaint for Employment Discrimination
- Complaint for Employment Discrimination (Word)
- Complaint for Review of Social Security
- Complaint for Review of Social Security (Word)
- Complaint for Violation of Civil Rights Non-Prisoner
- Complaint for Violation of Civil Rights Non-Prisoner (Word)
- The Defendants Answer to the Complaint
- Other Forms
- Other Judge Specific Forms
- Cain Standing Order Regarding Requests for Default and Default Judgment (Word)
- Coggins Criminal Standing Order
- Coggins Reference to Magistrate
- Coggins Rule 55 Standing Order (Word)
- Coggins SSA Standing Order with Consent
- Coggins Sur Reply Standing Order
- Gergel Operation Order RE Sealing Sentencing Documents
- Gossett Joint Status Report
- Harwell Deposition Designation Form (Word)
- Harwell Deposition Designation Form (WordPerfect)
- Harwell ERISA Specialized Case Management And Scheduling Order
- Norton Operation Order RE Sealing Sentencing Documents
- Post Judgment
- Prisoner Forms
- Pro Hac Vice
- Pro Se
- Record Retrieval
- Remote Warrants (Fed. R. Crim. P. 4.1)
- Baker AO 102 Application for Tracking Warrant (Sworn Remotely)
- Baker AO 104 Tracking Warrant
- Baker AO 106A Application for Warrant by Telephone or Other Reliable Electronic Means (Sworn Remotely)
- Baker AO 108 Application for Warrant to Seize Property Subject to Forfeiture (Sworn Remotely)
- Baker AO 91 Criminal Complaint (Sworn Remotely)
- Baker AO 93C Warrant by Telephone or Other Reliable Electronic Means
- Baker Checklist for Remote Warrants
- Baker Signature block for affidavit (Sworn Remotely)
- Cherry AO 102 Application for Tracking Warrant (Sworn Remotely)
- Cherry AO 106A Application for Warrant by Telephone or Other Reliable Electronic Means (Sworn Remotely)
- Cherry AO 91 Criminal Complaint (Sworn Remotely)
- Cherry AO 93C Warrant by Telephone or Other Reliable Electronic Means
- Cherry Checklist for Remote Warrants
- Cherry Signature block for affidavit (Sworn Remotely)
- Gossett AO 102 Application for Tracking Warrant (Sworn Remotely)
- Gossett AO 104 Tracking Warrant
- Gossett AO 106A Application for Warrant by Telephone or Other Reliable Electronic Means (Sworn Remotely)
- Gossett AO 108 Application for Warrant to Seize Property Subject to Forfeiture (Sworn Remotely)
- Gossett AO 91 Criminal Complaint (Sworn Remotely)
- Gossett AO 93C Warrant by Telephone or Other Reliable Electronic Means
- Gossett Checklist for Remote Warrants
- Gossett Signature block for affidavit (Sworn Remotely)
- Rogers AO 102 Application for Tracking Warrant (Sworn Remotely)
- Rogers AO 104 Tracking Warrant
- Rogers AO 106A Application for Warrant by Telephone or Other Reliable Electronic Means (Sworn Remotely)
- Rogers AO 91 Criminal Complaint (Sworn Remotely)
- Rogers AO 93C Warrant by Telephone or Other Reliable Electronic Means
- Rogers Signature block for affidavit (Sworn Remotely)
- Scheduling Orders
- Austin Amended Scheduling Order
- Austin Amended Scheduling Order (Reformatted)
- Austin ERISA Case Management Order (Word)
- Austin Mediation Requirements
- Austin Rule 56
- Brown Amended Scheduling Order
- Cain Amended Scheduling Order (Word)
- Coggins Amended Scheduling Order (Word)
- Coggins ERISA Case Management Order (Word)
- Currie Conference Scheduling Order (Word)
- Currie Conference Scheduling Order (WordPerfect)
- Currie Consent Amended Scheduling Order (Word)
- Currie Consent Amended Scheduling Order (WordPerfect template)
- Currie ERISA Specialized Case Management Order Effective April 30, 2024 (Word)
- Dawson Amended Scheduling Order (Word)
- Dawson ERISA Specialized Case Management Order
- Gergel Sample Amended Scheduling Order (Word)
- Gergel Sample Amended Scheduling Order (WordPerfect)
- Gergel Sample Conference Scheduling Order (PDF)
- Harwell Consent Amended Scheduling Order (Word)
- Harwell Consent Amended Scheduling Order (WordPerfect template)
- Harwell ERISA Specialized Case Management And Scheduling Order
- Hendricks Scheduling Order Amended (MS Word)
- Hendricks Scheduling Order Amended (WP)
- Herlong Amended Scheduling Order (Word)
- Herlong Amended Scheduling Order (WordPerfect template)
- Joe Anderson Order Setting Rule 16 Conference (PDF)
- Joe Anderson Scheduling Order (PDF)
- Joe Anderson Standing Order Rule 11(c)(2)
- Lewis Amended Scheduling Order (Word)
- Lewis Amended Scheduling Order (WordPerfect template)
- Lydon ERISA Specialized Case Management Order
- McDonald Amended Scheduling Order
- Norton Scheduling Order (Word)
- Norton Scheduling Order (WordPerfect)
- Wooten Amended Scheduling Order
- Wooten Conference Scheduling Order (Word)
- Wooten Conference Scheduling Order (WordPerfect)
- ~$rrie Conference Scheduling Order (Word)
- Sealing Warrant Submissions
- Baker Checklist for Sealing--Search Warrants
- Baker Motion to Seal Template
- Baker Sealing 2703d Motion Template
- Baker Sealing 2703d Proposed Order Template
- Baker Sealing Order Template
- Cherry Checklist for Sealing--Search Warrants
- Cherry Motion to Seal Template
- Cherry Sealing 2703d Motion Template
- Cherry Sealing 2703d Proposed Order Template
- Cherry Sealing Order Template
- Gossett Checklist for Sealing--Search Warrants
- Gossett Motion to Seal Template
- Gossett Sealing Order Template
- Search Warrants for Electronically Stored Information
- Special Instructions
- Austin Criminal Standing Order (Rule 16)
- Austin In re Sealing of Sentencing Documents
- Austin Petition for Settlement Approval Hearings
- Austin Special Instructions
- Austin Standing Order for Criminal Jury Charges
- Austin Standing Order Regarding Variance Sentencing Memoranda 5K1-1
- Austin Standing Order Rule 11(c)(2)
- Cain Settlement Approval
- Cain Standing OrderOrder re Rule 16(a)(1)(G) and (b)(1)(C)
- Cain Standing Order in Criminal Cases
- Cain Standing Order Regarding Rule 11(c)(2) Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
- Cain Standing Order Re Objections to PSRs and Violation Reports
- Cain Standing Order Sur-Replies
- Coggins Settlement Approval Standing Order
- Currie Amended Standing Order Rule 11(c)(2)
- Currie Petition for Settlement Approval Hearings
- Dawson Standing Order in Criminal Cases
- Dawson Standing Order Rule 11(c)(2)
- Gergel Special Instructions
- Gergel Standing Order Rule11(c)(2)
- Gossett Petition for Settlement Approval Hearing Form
- Harwell Standing Order Requests for Continuances Criminal Pretrial Conferences
- Hendricks Standing Order in Criminal Cases
- Hendricks Standing Order Rule 11(c)(2)
- Herlong Standing Order Presentence Reports
- Herlong Standing Order Binding Exhibits
- Herlong Standing Order Govt Foreclosures
- Herlong Standing Order in all Civil Matters Regarding Requests for Default and Default Judgment
- Herlong Standing Order in Criminal Cases
- Herlong Standing Order Settlement
- In the Matter of McNair Law Firm
- Joe Anderson Amended Standing Order Rule 11(c)(2)
- Joe Anderson Trial Roster Meeting Notice and Pretrial Instructions
- Lewis Standing Order Regarding Removed Cases
- Lewis Standing Order for Criminal Cases
- Lewis Standing Order Regarding Requests for Default and Default Judgment
- Lewis Standing Order Regarding Rule 11(c)(2) Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
- Lewis Standing Order Regarding Social Security Cases
- Norton Special Instructions
- Norton Standing Order Re Winston Strawn Firm
- Norton Standing Order Rule11(c)(2)
- Richard Gergel Special Instructions
- Transcripts