FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
I am a plaintiff or represent a plaintiff in the Lipitor MDL. Who do I contact with questions about the MDL?
Plaintiffs and counsel should contact Plaintiffs’ Lead Counsel and/or Plaintiffs’ Liaison Counsel before contacting the Court with questions.
How do I register for electronic filing for the District of South Carolina?
The MDL registration form (MS Word, PDF, WordPerfect) should be emailed to ecf_registration@scd.uscourts.gov . Training is required. However, training by another district satisfies this district’s training requirement.
If I am not admitted to practice before the South Carolina District Court, do I need local counsel and pro hac vice admittance to this district?
Paragraph 8 of CMO 1 states that counsel who appeared in a case in the transferor district court prior to transfer need not enter a separate appearance before this Court or apply to proceed pro hac vice. In any case directly filed in the District of South Carolina, counsel not admitted to practice before the District of South Carolina must apply to proceed pro hac vice.
Paragraph 9 of CMO 1 states that parties in the MDL are not required to obtain local counsel and the requirements of Local Rule 83.I.04 are waived as to any attorney appearing in these actions who is duly admitted to practice before any United States District Court.
How do I file a document once my case has been consolidated with the MDL?
CMO 13 discusses filing documents in the MDL. If a document is generally applicable to all consolidated actions, then the document should be filed and docketed in the master case only. If a document applies only to a particular case or to particular cases, the document should be filed in the master case and then spread to the particular cases to which it applies. For Amended (Short Form) Complaints, Counsel should file the document in the appropriate member case and NOT in the master case.
Before filing any motion, counsel should consult with Lead Counsel and comply with the requirements in Paragraphs 15 & 16 in CMO 2.
I would like a copy of the transcript from a status conference or hearing. How do I obtain a copy?
Click the Transcripts menu option to view all available transcripts.
Can I attend the next status conferences by phone?
Lead Counsel, Liaison Counsel, and any counsel intending to argue a motion or actively participate in a status conference must appear in person, unless specifically authorized by the Court to participate by telephone. See CMO 2. Any counsel who wish to attend, but not actively participate in, a status conference may appear by phone.
Is direct filing allowed?
Any plaintiff whose case would be subject to transfer to the Lipitor MDL proceedings may file his or her case directly in the District of South Carolina, in accordance with Paragraphs 17-21 of CMO 4. The shell case number for cases related to the Lipitor MDL is 2:16-av-55555. Civil cover sheets need not be filed for cases directly filed in the Lipitor MDL. For all cases in the MDL proceedings, the parties are relieved from complying with the requirements of Local Civil Rule 26.01, DSC. See Paragraph 34 of CMO 4. Plaintiffs must serve a completed Plaintiff Fact Sheet, authorizations and medical records and other documents required in the Mandatory Disclosures within 30 days of the case being filed in the MDL. See CMO 5.